Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Final Table

The excitment is palpable, the fianl table has been set. Nine players will advance to the big showdown. The point totals are locked in, the pot sizes are set, everything is written in stone and can't be changed; unless something drastic happens such as someone not showing up.

1 comment:

  1. TOOOOOOOOOOO Good.....Ger Bear 49 ? I thought you were only 48 ? Czech Poo ? I was thinking that accent was Laoasian. Your pretty To Tall for a Czeck. Sully....Geeeeeez. Who does the Ghost look like in his picture ? I can't quite place him. Whats that golfers name? Smokey..TOOOOOOOOO GOOOD. Once again..Sully Geeeeez.
